Diabetic Care
The Haitian people are very prone to diabetes. As you know, diabetes in America is very expensive and it is not different here in Haiti. The average cost to provide a diabetic patient with insulin is $150 per month. When we provide patients with insulin, we also provide them with the education they need to manage their illness. We teach them how to care for and manage their health with the diagnosis of diabetes. The patients in our program are required to have tried all oral medication to control their diabetes before we can provide them with insulin.

Blood Pressure Program
Genetically, Haitians are prone to high blood pressure. Many are walking around with extremely high blood pressure starting from a young age. Chronic Hypertension is the cause for many to have a stroke. As you can imagine, there are little to no services available for stroke rehabilitation.
We have implemented a Blood Pressure Program for people in the countryside village of Manyan, Haiti. We currently have funding to provide medication for 10 people. Each week, we visit them at their home to check their blood pressure and to deliver medicine. We only give one week of medicine at a time in order to keep close tabs on our patients.
It costs us between $5 and $10 a month per patient for medication.
Contact us for more info or how to become involved with the blood pressure program.

Formula Program
Our formula program is specifically for babies who have lost their mothers in childbirth. The caregiver of each baby must provide morgue paperwork to prove the mother is not living. We are huge breastfeeding supporters and would never provide formula for an infant who could be breastfed. There are occasions we provide formula for infants whose mothers have a disease or are on a medication that isn’t compatible with breastfeeding. The cost to provide one infant with formula is $50 per month. We provide formula until the infant is 12 months of age. The caregivers of the babies in our program come every week to receive their formula. They’re also required to participate in a weekly class. The classes we provide cover topics such as; ages and stages of development, first aid, in home safety, first foods, and much more.
Rural Health
In Haiti, people are working so hard just to eat every day and take care of the basics. When an emergency hits a family, it is completely devastating. Families often have to watch their family members die because they don’t have the funds to get them the care they need. We have been able to step in and help several families financially during medical emergencies. When we provide funds during an emergency, we not only provide for the medical care, but we also help with other needs during the crisis. For example: when dad is injured and away getting medical help, the person at the hospital caring for him will also need help with food and such. The family at home will probably also need help with some basics, because their provider is not working. The cost of each emergency varies tremendously, but we are happy that we can stand in the gap in times of need.
We have also been able to facilitate transfers to higher care facilities when a person is in critical condition. We are able to help with these transfers by working with HERO (Haiti Emergency Responders Organization). The people in the countryside would otherwise have no access to life saving treatment.